Elevate Your Lent: 3 Catholic Picks from Ignatius Book Fairs to Deepen Your Faith

Elevate Your Lent with Ignatius Book Fairs! Discover three wholesome picks to deepen your faith and enrich your family's Lenten journey. As a trusted destination for Catholic literature, Ignatius Book Fairs offer a safe and enriching environment for your children to explore the richness of their faith. From captivating devotional companions to interactive catechism activities, our carefully curated selection ensures a wholesome experience for readers of all ages.

Visit an Ignatius Book Fair today to foster a deeper connection to Christ through literature that inspires and educates.

The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion by Kendra Tierney

Discover a beautiful companion for your faith journey at the Book Fair!

Author Kendra Tierney makes it easy to live out the Catholic faith all year long! Based on the richness of the liturgical calendar, this book is filled with powerful prayers, litanies, activities, and blessings all focused on leading you to a deeper devotion to Christ and the saints. This daily devotional is sure to keep you on track this Lent and help you gain a deeper peace in Christ. Keep your eye out for this title at the next Ignatius Book Fair!

Book Fair Tip: Be sure to also check out The Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life by Kendra Tierney!

The Power of Silence by Robert Cardinal Sarah | A Book Fair Favorite

In a world filled with distractions and noise, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. During the Lenten season, we are called to resist the world's many temptations and place our trust in the Lord. To trust Jesus requires an inner peace, a recognition that God is not found in the howling winds or the roaring fire, but in the gentle whisper of silence (1 Kings 19:11-13). Cardinal Sarah seeks to recover the beauty of silence in his book The Power of Silence. This book is a perfect choice for moms and dads visiting the Ignatius Book Fairs.

In an interview with Nicolas Diat, Cardinal Sarah rejects modern society's “dictatorship of noise,” and offers advice on how to recover peace by quieting our hearts and minds. Sarah also addresses the tough questions regarding God’s silence in the face of our sufferings and in opposition to evil. With an afterword by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, The Power of Silence will help you fight back against the world’s noise this Lent and regain peace in the love of Christ.  

100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini | A Book Fair Teacher Top Pick

This interactive book contains activities for kids in grades 1-8 based on the wisdom of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Taking the ideas explained in the Catechism, this book provides practical worksheets, games, and more to help children understand the teachings of the Catholic Church. Activities focus on each of the four parts of the Catechism: Faith, Sacraments, Morality and Prayer. This Lent, work through the Church’s teachings with your children and open their eyes to the beauty of Christ’s message! This book is especially popular among teachers at the Ignatius Book Fairs who seek to connect the faith to the classroom.  

To get your hands on these amazing reads, visit your local Ignatius Book Fair or shop online at shop.ignatiusbookfairs.com. May God bless you this Lent!

At Ignatius Book Fairs, we aim to foster a love of reading and ensure children can access literature that aligns with Catholic values. We believe in the transformative power of books to mold character and enrich minds. That’s why we offer a thoughtfully curated selection of Christian as well as non-religious works that inspire, educate, and allow children to explore the complementary nature of faith and literature.