7 Daily Quotes to Deepen Your Faith this Week (March 9-16)

Enjoy these quotes from our amazing and wholesome books this Lent! Be sure to visit shop.ignatiusbookfairs.com for more inspiring titles from the Ignatius Book Fair.

Mar. 9

“I love going to Mass! The more we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, the more we will become like him. . . . Can you not see the beauty hidden in the Mass? Digital Disciple: Carlo Acutis and the Eucharist

Mar. 10

“The greatest wealth is to know how to give. Don’t forget that.” The Adventures of Loupio Vol. 1

Mar. 11

"'I am [in your world].’ said Aslan. ‘But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.'" Voyage of the Dawn Treader: The Chronicles of Narnia

Mar. 12

“The answer came, loud and clear: ‘Believe me, before Abraham came to be, I AM.’ There was a sudden hush, all breath suspended.” The Spear

Mar. 13

“We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us; and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His infinitude, His omnipotence, His omnipresence.” Jane Eyre

Mar. 14

“As soon as the Lady appeared, Bernadette asked her the same question: ‘Could you tell me your name please?’ And this time the Lady answered! She spread out her hands toward the ground as though in prayer and said in the native local dialect, ‘I am the Immaculate Conception!’” Bernadette: The Little Girl from Lourdes

Mar. 15

“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.” Pride and Prejudice

Mar. 16

“O God, come to my aid!” Hugh O’Flaherty: Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis

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At Ignatius Book Fairs, we aim to foster a love of reading and ensure children can access literature that aligns with Catholic values. We believe in the transformative power of books to mold character and enrich minds. That’s why we offer a thoughtfully curated selection of Christian as well as non-religious works that inspire, educate, and allow children to explore the complementary nature of faith and literature.

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